About Greenfest

Brought to you by the Student Environmental Center, Greenfest is a bi-annual series held at UNC Asheville in the Spring and Fall that celebrates sustainability, students, faculty and community. Each semester, students choose a theme relevant to current topics in environmental sustainability and SEC goals on campus. You can view flyers of past Greenfest events below!

F24 Greenfest: TBD

Please sign up for our Greenfest interest session in early August if you are interested in collaborating with us for Fall Greenfest! Fill out our interest form and stay tuned for more details: Greenfest Interest Form

S24 Greenfest: Get Into the Green Scene: March 24th – March 30th, 2024

This spring’s Greenfest theme was “Get into the green scene” and emphasizes the importance of branching out of our circles to inspire community participation in climate activism from all layers of society. We want everyone to get involved in the “Green Scene” and celebrate a green future!