The UNC Asheville Free Store is operated by the Student Environmental Center. You can donate to the Free Store at the donation bins located in front of the ACE office in Highsmith Student Union. We accept a variety of lightly used items like clothing, electronics, school supplies, and much more!
Free Store Pop-Ups will be hosted on the last Thursday of every month on the Student Life Porch in Highsmith (12-2 PM) for students to browse and “shop” donated items or leave donations. The Free Store gives students an opportunity to “free cycle” items that are still in good condition and can be used by other students.
See our FAQs below for more information.
What is the purpose of the Free Store?
To provide a space on the UNC Asheville campus for the free exchange of usable items between members of the campus community. Also to promote the school’s emphasis on sustainability by reducing resources used among campus community members and to cut down on living expenses.
How do Free Store Pop-Ups work?
Visitors may look around at display tables and take any items they want. There will be additional bins available where students can leave donations. Students can also donate items whenever Highsmith is open at the donation bins in front of the ACE office.
What happened to the old Free Store?
The Free Store used to be located outside of Highsmith by the bike store but had to be closed due to safety concerns. We are currently seeking a new location to permanently relocate but will continue to accept donations in our Highsmith donation bins and at our Free Store Pop-Ups until then.
What are the procedures for the Free Store?
- Bring usable items.
- Place items NEATLY in the designated donation bins. NEVER leave unusable items, perishable food, unwashed containers, trash, broken or dirty items, large furniture, and so on.
- Do not leave a bag of unsorted items outside the old Free Store location. The SEC no longer owns that space.
- Use good judgment (i.e. no one is going to want a bag of your dirty socks or underwear so don’t donate it!).
Shopping at Free Store Pop-Ups
- Feel free to take your time and look around at the Pop-Up events. Return any items you pick up to their proper place if you are not taking them. Keep the area orderly.
- Take any items you want! No need to sign anything out.
What is an acceptable donation to make to the Free Store?
Acceptable donations include non-perishable, clean, usable items under the size of 3’x2’x2’ (about the size of a computer desk chair). Examples of items include non-perishable food, books, clean clothes, lamps, posters, music players, kitchen devices, household goods, etc.
The Free Store is happy to accept:
- Lamps, lights, shiny things
- Clean clothes
- School supplies
- Dishes, mugs, containers
- Dorm decor, rugs, posters, art
- Functioning electronics
- Art supplies
- Anything with a little left to offer!
If you aren’t sure if we’ll accept something, come by the SEC office in Highsmith 218 during our office hours and ask us!
When are the Free Store Pop-Ups?
Free Store Pop-Ups will be the last Thursday of every month on the Student Life Porch in Highsmith from 12-2 PM (Spring 2025).